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Communications Study Minutes 2004/04/16
Communications Study Committee
Minutes for 4/13/2004

Subject: Meeting #1 minutes

The Lyme Communications Study Committee Meeting #1 was held at the Lyme Academy Building, April 13 at 8am.  Pete Bleyer called the meeting to order. Present were Pauline Field, Mike Prince, David Avery, John Sanders, and George Hartmann. Wally Ragan joined the meeting later. Michael Hinsley was absent. Frank Gould joined the meeting as an interested observer.

1. David Avery was chosen as Chairman; John Sanders, Vice Chairman; George Hartmann, Recorder.

2. The draft of the Charge to the Committee issued by the Selectboard was discussed very briefly and accepted without change.

3. It was agreed that the final output of the Committee will be a report to the Selectboard outlining recommendations for Town communications services, focusing primarily on emergency and safety needs.

4. Discussion touched on a range of subjects, including what currently exists; incidents where emergency communications either were or could have been critical; landllines serving the police and fire departments; the technical aspects of wireless communications; previous efforts to bring wireless communication services to Lyme; the Town Ordinance on wireless communications adopted in 2003; and a letter from Lee Larson with some specific comments on what might be done.

5. It was decided that all media questions to committee members would be referred without comment to the Committee Chairman.

6. The goal for future meetings will be  a) a defined output from each meeting, and  b) they will be one hour in length.

7. Output from today's meeting:  For the next meeting
    a)Pauline Field (police department) and Michael Hinsley (fire
department) are each requested to present a         short (one
paragraph?) writeup on communications problems experienced by their departments.
    b) Wally Ragan will contact the NH State Communications Committee and report on its scope and activities.
    c) Dave Avery will present recommendations on vendors that we may wish to contact for information.

8. Prior to the next meeting, Dave agreed to distribute electronically the Lee Larson letter and the Town Ordinance referred to in 4. above.

9. The next meeting of the Committee will be at the Lyme Fire Station, 8am, on Tuesday,  April 20.

                                        George Hartmann